Friday 3 October 2008

the real comedy boys

bradshaw with hair, hoskings in his bleached phase, i'm obviously the genius behind it

Comedy Boys Beware!

Think twice when posting otherwise we'll all end up with prison bars up our chuffs:

Thursday 2 October 2008

The picture.

Last night I was at a rather pleasant Thai restaurant in Guildford to celebrate a colleague and good friend's 30th birthday.

As we were sitting with a few drinks, awaiting our table, a young and attractive couple asked me if I could take their picture for them. As they explained the most basic functions of a camera; press this button here, our table was announced and my party were on their way. I was left with a sudden impulse to just zoom in on the lady's cleavage, take a picture and hand the camera back to them saying 'there yer go' before scuttling off to my meal.

Sadly I didn't. I was sober.